Tradeshow Playbook: A Marketer's How To Guide

AMA Cincinnati and Sponsor/Partner Sale$tratus co-created this new members/customers-only resource, the Tradeshow Playbook: A marketer’s HOW-TO guide to executing and measuring an effective trade show program. The Guide features in-depth discussion and tips in three core categories:

  1. Invest Wisely: Goals, Shows, Space & Sponsorships
  2. Call to Action: Medium, Messaging, Execution & Engagement
  3. Engage Sales: Training, Tracking, Enablement & Expectations

Introduced during a two-hour “Back to Tradeshows 2.0” AMA Cincinnati event via their CX & Sales Enablement Community. (fka SIG), the Playbook set the stage for group discussions about show selection, communications, and lead capture. The event also featured a Live Skype Keynote: Positioning Your Exhibit Program for Success, with Nancy Drapeau – VP of Research at CEIR (Center for Exhibitions Industry Research).

Within the Playbook How-To Guide, you will find references to other resources available upon request. Those resources include:

  1. An Excel Spreadsheet for Trade Show Evaluation, Prioritization & Selection, including common/recommended criteria and metrics.
  2. A one-page Trade Show Game Plan Template for business-case building, executive approval, and project kick-off
  3. A PowerPoint template for Large Scale Trade Show Planning & Execution, complete with further instruction, examples, and formatting that you can easily customize
  4. A PowerPoint template for Smaller Scale Trade Show Planning & Execution, complete with further instruction, examples, and formatting that you can easily customize

For information on the launch event or the extended Tradeshow Playbook Toolkit, contact Mitch Tidman.

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