Chronos Clock Tips
This document is designed to help make sense of the many options available to the owners of the Chronos Clock. Its organized with the essentials first then an explanation of important choices and then a walk through of how to program it.
I. The bare minimum you have to know
A. Settings 1 through 4 - Click the square flat button in the center. We�ll assume its red
B. Settings 5 through 8 � Press and Hold the left clock button and then the red center button
C. Settings 9 through 12 � Press and Hold the right clock button and then the red center button
D. Select a mode to program � Press and Hold both clock buttons then the red center button
E. To enter Edit mode - press and hold the red center button until it beeps
F. To Exit Edit mode - press and hold the red center button until it beeps. This saves your edits.
G. To reset the clock to start another game - press the red center button five times.
H. To turn the clock off, press and hold the red center button and press either clock button 5 times
II. Recommendations on How to Organize your clock settings.
To help remember what you've programmed and to take advantage of the 12 User modes available to you, you might want to take the following steps.
A. Limit the number of different modes you create your User modes from. It will be easier to remember the behavior of having just a few modes of operation.
B. Since the first four User Modes are selected by the times in the display windows, you might want to put your four most commonly used settings there.
C. Put stickers on the bottom of your clock and write your settings there, else you will likely get confused later.
The number of Clicks may be different in your clock as there are now at least four revisions of the clock.
Special notes:
On the oldest Chronos Clocks, the only mode that is available for 2 time controls with delay is AD-2.
Neat trick to remember: You can use a Delay mode as a non-delay by setting the delay to zero. This may be easier than finding the non-delay mode setting.
III. Making the important choices
What seems to make using the clock tough is figuring out which of its many modes is appropriate for your particular circumstance. Many of the modes are very similar. For some circumstances, more than one mode will clearly do the job but with subtle differences. Below are some selected choices for some common situations, the reasoning behind their selection and how some of the options of the mode should be set.
An important consideration is weather you should use a mode that displays a move counter. I recommend that you do NOT use a move counting mode as it may prove to be a problem in practical use. First, the USCF rules state that the move counter is not to be used for determining if the time control has been met. Should any extra clock hits occur or if White�s clock was not started first, the counts will be inaccurate. Those less familiar with the workings of digital clocks with move counters may not understand or realize these facts and could lead to unfortunate disputes. If any extra clock presses occur, the clock will roll over after it has counted the requisite number of moves programmed into it. Be aware that this may cause confusion when it rolls over and adds in the next time control. You and your opponent will need to realize that you have to mentally subtract out the time until the time control is met according to your game score sheets. You might consider warning your opponent of this fact, while your own clock is running, either when the extra clock presses occurs or should you or your opponent appear to be reaching a situation where the time control being reached may be in question. All this can be avoided if you avoid using a mode with a move counter.
Of the choices listed below, the first two may be used for most of the common situations by just a slight editing of the times or delay. If you want the minimum to learn, use or remember, using just the first two choices would be the ones to pick.
A. Rated Tournament Chess with two time controls, the second one being Sudden Death, for example 40/2, SD/1.
1. DL-SD2 , Two Time-Controls with Delay (Delay not shown and no move counter)
a) Set the Delay time the same for both time controls. The USCF recommends that if a delay is to be used that it be used during all time controls.
b) No beeping should be enabled. It is the responsibility of the players to make claims. Also, the beeps may annoy other players.
c) No Halt at End. If both players' clocks expire then it is a draw. It is the responsibility of the players to make the call. You may find yourself on either end of wishing you had not had the clock halt.
d) The display does not change much so it is less confusing to those who are not as familiar or comfortable with digital clocks.
e) Being able to see the delay count down is nice but can be distracting and in fact, serves no valuable service. Hence, a mode that displays the delay count down as digits was not selected.
B. Speed chess with a delay but not shown. (Delay not shown and no move counter)
1. DL-SD1 , Sudden Death and Delay I
2. 30 red button pushes (on my version of the clock) to reach the setting
a) The delay can be set to zero so this can be changed when you sit down to play have or not have a delay being used.
b) Time can be adjusted if you want to manually add back two minutes for illegal moves.
c) Recommend that you have all beeps turned off unless you are in a noisy environment and it doesn't bother anyone.
d) Do not set the halt at end unless you want to guarantee that one person always wins.
C. Standard Speed chess, no delay.
1. CH-F4, Five Minute Chess IV
2. 1 red button pushes to reach the setting
a) The clock will stop when one players time reaches zero thus clearly indicating who lost.
b) This mode allows times longer than five minutes to be set.
c) One push to stop the clock, a second one to reset the time for another game.
d) No delay feature. This makes it work much like an analog clock.
e) Recommend that you have all beeps turned off unless you are in a noisy environment and it doesn't bother anyone.
f) Do not set the halt at end unless you want to guarantee that one person always wins.
g) You can't adjust the time so play must continue.
D. DL-C1, Two Time-Controls with Delay and Move Counter
1. Set the Delay time the same for both time controls. The USCF recommends that if a delay is to be used that it be used during all time controls.
2. This mode has a counter. While you can not make claims using the count on the clock, it can aid you and the TD in certain situation.
3. No beeping should be enabled. It is the responsibility of the players to make claims. Also, the beeps may annoy other players.
4. No Halt at End. If both players' clocks expire then it is a draw. It is the responsibility of the players to make the call. You may find yourself on either end of wishing you had not had the clock halt.
5. The display does not change much so it is less confusing to those who are not as familiar or comfortable with digital clocks.
6. Being able to see the delay count down is nice but can be distracting and in fact, serves no valuable service. Hence, a mode that displays the delay count down as digits was not selected.
E. G/xx or Speed chess with a delay and always see the delay time
1. AN-1, Andante Mode I
2. 28 red button pushes to reach the setting
a) The delay can be set to zero so this can be changed when you sit down to play have or not have a delay being used.
b) Time can be adjusted should you want to manually ad back two minutes for illegal moves.
c) Recommend that you have all beeps turned off unless you are in a noisy environment and it doesn't bother anyone.
d) Do not set the halt at end unless you want to guarantee that one person always wins.
IV. The Basic Idea of How to set up the user modes for the first time.
A. You must first pick a pre-set mode that is close to the way you want the clock to run. For example, if you want to do speed chess with no time delay, you would pick one of the "Five Minute Chess" modes, CH-F1, F2, F3 or F4.
B. You then edit the mode you've selected and at the end, you pick a User Mode number, 1 through 12 to save it to.
C. When you first turn on the clock, you select one of the User modes you have previously set up.
V. Examples of Setting up some User Modes.
A. Two Time controls with Delay enabled for the whole game
In this example, we tell you to set the digits regardless of what may already be there. This way, the same steps may be used to change an already programmed User Mode.
In parenthesis you will find values for an example setting of MCC standard Time Control of 40/90, SD/30, t/d5.
If you make a mistake and go past something you need to change, you will be able to go back and fix it at the end of the instructions. Also, you can exit editing at any time by doing a Long Press the center button, which saves the changes made so far.
1. Hold both Play buttons down and Turn the clock on. This lets you get to all the factory-programmed modes.
2. Short Press the center button 33 times to move you through the modes so you can find the one you want. The Left display should read Dl-C1
3. Press the Left play button, which selects the mode in that display.
4. Long Press the center button which puts you in edit mode.
5. Set the Number of Moves for the first time control. For this example we are setting it to 40 moves.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 1st digit in the left display. (Set to 4 as in 40 minutes)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 1st digit in the right display. (Set to 4 as in 40 minutes).
b) Short Press the center button to move to the 2nd digit in the display to set.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 2nd digit in the left display. (Set to 0 as in 40 minutes)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 2nd digit in the right display. (Set to 0 as in 40 minutes)
6. Set the First Time Control.
a) Short Press the center button to move to the 3rd digit in the display to set the hours.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 3rd digit in the left display. (Set to 1 as in 1:30)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 3rd digit in the right display. (Set to 1 as in 1:30)
b) Short Press the center button to move to the 4th digit in the display to set the tens of minutes.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 4th digit in the left display. (Set to 3 as in 1:30)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 4th digit in the right display. (Set to 3 as in 1:30)
c) Short Press the center button to move to the 5th digit in the display to set the minutes.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 5th digit in the left display. (Set to 0 as in 1:30)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 5th digit in the right display. (Set to 0 as in 1:30)
d) Short Press the center button. The display now shows just time in the format of Hours:Minutes:Seconds and the 4th digit, tens of seconds should be blinking.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 4th digit in the left display.
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 4th digit in the right display.
e) Short Press the center button to move to the 5th digit in the display to set the seconds.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 5th digit in the left display.
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 5th digit in the right display.
7. Set the Delay for the First Time Control.
a) Short Press the center button to move to the Delay display which is in Minutes:Seconds.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 1st digit in the left display. (Set to 0 as in 0:05)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 1st digit in the left display. (Set to 0 as in 0:05)
b) Short Press the center button to move to the 2nd digit in the display to set tens of seconds.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 2nd digit in the left display. (Set to 0 as in 0:05)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 2nd digit in the right display. (Set to 0 as in 0:05)
8. Set the Second Time Control.
The display shows the Second Time control in the format of Hours:Minutes:Seconds. In a manner similar to that used to set the first time control, set the digits in each display for the desired time.
9. Set the Delay for the Second Time Control.
The display shows the Second Time control in the format of Hours:Minutes:Seconds. In a manner similar to that used to set the first time control, set the digits in each display for the desired time.
10. Short Press (if necessary) the center button until you reach the Beep and Led settings.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to zero to turn the beep off. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
(2) Press the Right play button to set the digit to one to turn the Led indicators on. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
11. Short Press the center button to move to the Beep At End setting.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to 0 to turn off the Beep At End. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
12. Short Press the center button to move to the Beep At Time Control setting.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to 0 to turn off the Beep At Time Control. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
13. Short Press the center button to move to the Halt At End setting.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to 0 to turn off the Halt At End. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
14. Short Press the center button to move to the Copy to setting.
a) Press the Right play button to adjust the digit in the right display to a User Mode location of your own choosing.
15. If you have nothing to go back and correct, do a Long Press the center button to get out of edit mode. If you have something to correct, do a Short Press the center button to continue editing. You can do a Long Press at any time to get out of edit mode.
B. G/xx or Speed chess with a delay and always see the delay time
1. Hold both Play buttons down and Turn the clock on. This lets you get to all the factory-programmed modes.
2. Short Press the center button 28 times to move you through the modes so you can find the one you want. The Left display should read AN-1
3. Press the Left play button, which selects the mode in that display.
4. Long Press the center button which puts you in edit mode.
5. Set the Delay which are the first two digits in the display shown in seconds.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 1st digit in the left display. (Set to 0 as in 05)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 1st digit in the left display. (Set to 0 as in 05)
b) Short Press the center button to move to the 2nd digit in the display.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 2nd digit in the left display. (Set to 5 as in 0:05)
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 2nd digit in the right display. (Set to 5 as in 0:05)
6. Set the Time Control.
a) Short Press the center button to move to the 3rd digit in the display to set the hours.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 3rd digit in the left display.
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 3rd digit in the right display.
b) Short Press the center button to move to the 4th digit in the display to set the tens of minutes.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 4th digit in the left display.
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 4th digit in the right display.
c) Short Press the center button to move to the 5th digit in the display to set the minutes.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 5th digit in the left display.
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 5th digit in the right display.
d) Short Press the center button. The display now shows just time in the format of Hours:Minutes:Seconds and the 4th digit, tens of seconds should be blinking.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 4th digit in the left display.
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 5th digit in the right display.
e) Short Press the center button to move to the 5th digit in the display to set the seconds.
(1) Press the Left play button to adjust the 5th digit in the left display.
(2) Press the Right play button to adjust the 5th digit in the right display.
7. Short Press the center button to reach the Beep and Led settings.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to zero to turn the beep off. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
(2) Press the Right play button to set the digit to one to turn the Led indicators on. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
8. Short Press the center button to move to the Beep At End setting.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to 0 to turn off the Beep At End. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
9. Short Press the center button to move to the Beep At Time Control setting.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to 0 to turn off the Beep At Time Control. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
10. Short Press the center button to move to the Halt At End setting.
(1) Press the Left play button to set the digit to 0 to turn off the Halt At End. This is recommended for Rated tournament play.
11. Short Press the center button to move to the Copy to setting.
a) Press the Right play button to adjust the digit in the right display to a User Mode location of your own choosing.
12. Long Press the center button to get out of edit mode.
13. User Mode you selected will display CH-F4 since this is what we based our settings on.